As a mother and educator, the Catholic Church’s goal is to evangelize; her ministry tries to provide Holistic Education that is enlightening, formative, and transformative. Christian ideals, pastoral care, character development, and academic excellence are all emphasized in this process.
The Archdiocese of Nyeri through the Education Office oversees a number of Early education, primary, secondary and tertiary schools
Archdiocese of Nyeri’s health mission is to “enable the provision of sustainable curative, preventative, promotive, and rehabilitative health services to all in conformity with the Catholic Church’s social teachings,” guided by Human dignity, motivation, the common good, service, preference for the poor and underserved, resource stewardship and subsidiarity.
CMA, CWA, Family Life, Catechetical, and Liturgical fall under the pastoral apostolate.

Nyeri Hill Farm is owned and managed by the Catholic Archdiocese of Nyeri.
The farm was established in 1904 by the Consolata Missionaries. In 1914, the Consolata fathers introduced coffee, with the first demonstration plot near the present site of the Consolata Mission Hospital Mathari.
In 1934, the Consolata Fathers installed a dry and wet mill for processing the coffee. They would then export the coffee to back to Turin, Italy, their birth place. The mill is still functional to date. Visit site to learn More.
The QUO VADIS Youth Hub is a multifaceted centre with the youth at the core of its programs. The youth hub was the brainchild of the Archbishop of Nyeri, His Grace Anthony Muheria. This is due to his great consideration of Youth ministry at the centre of his pastoral care and ministry. the archbishop recognizes the potential and importance of the youth in the church now and in the future. As such, he is deeply concerned that the youth must be brought to the Church and be well formed for them to remain rooted in faith and sound doctrine.